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Testing rules
Jamie Shuey avatar
Written by Jamie Shuey
Updated over 4 months ago

The rules listed below are the minimum requirements for maintaining good standing on the UserCrowd platform; please visit our UserCrowd Terms and Conditions page for a full list of T&Cs.

Your tester agreement

In order to participate in the UserCrowd panel, you must be at least 18 years of age and agree to our terms for testing.

When you sign up, you're required to select and agree to all of these rules before you can proceed to set up your profile:

If you breach any of these rules, you may be permanently banned from the platform. If banned, you will lose any credit earned and any payouts you've requested will be rejected.

Give your best effort on every test

It's important that you give thoughtful, quality feedback in order to keep your account in good standing—check out our response quality guidelines for tips on how to do that. All responses are reviewed by a member of our Quality Assurance team, and very low-quality responses may result in a ban.

Spammy, nonsense, and inauthentic written answers will be rejected and you may be banned. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Keyboard smashing (e.g. "jkfjdfk")

  • Unnecessary profanity or other derogatory language

  • Copying & pasting the same answer for every question where the answers don't make sense

  • Responding with words or phrases that are irrelevant to the question(s)

  • Responding in a language that is different from the language the test is written in

  • Using a language translation app to formulate your response

  • Using an AI tool (e.g. ChatGPT) to formulate your response

The same goes for tests that require you to click through a prototype or on an image to carry out a task—if you speed through and click randomly you may be banned from the platform.

Answering screener questions

When answering screener questions, honesty is key. Rushing through screener questions or lying in your responses can result in a poor testing experience. Giving inconsistent screener answers or pretending to be someone else can lead to a ban and loss of payments and future testing opportunities. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • giving screener answers that do not match the details on your profile

  • providing conflicting answers on very similar screeners

Camera and audio requirements

When participating in tests that require audio recording, please make sure to speak aloud and explain your thoughts clearly. Not giving your best effort to verbalize your thought process can ultimately impact your tester rating. Not speaking at all when audio is required will result in your response being rejected—this will impact your tester rating and you will not be paid for that response.

When participating in recorded tests or interviews, turning on your camera and ensuring clear audio is mandatory. Your camera and microphone must work properly and remain unobscured throughout the session.

Additionally, our guidelines for written responses also apply to recorded audio. In the same way, violating these guidelines can lead to a ban from the UserCrowd platform and loss of any accrued credit balance.

Recorded tests

For recorded tests, refusing to turn on your camera, disabling it, or covering it will result in your response being rejected, and you will not receive payment.

Interview sessions

For interviews, you must keep your camera on, keep it uncovered, and actively participate throughout the session. If you fail to do so, the customer may end the session early, and you will not receive payment for your time. Repeated violations or abuse may result in a permanent ban from future testing on our platform.

Provide accurate information on your profile

The information you provide about yourself when you set up your profile must be honest and complete. We use this information to ensure that you are accurately representing the demographic targeted by the test creator when you give your feedback.

You must update your profile as soon as any of your information changes to reflect your current situation.

Create only one UserCrowd account

We only allow one UserCrowd account per person. You may not create multiple accounts with different email addresses or aliases.

If you delete your account, you will not be able to sign up to UserCrowd again.

Do not download, copy, or share any test content

You may not keep or share any content you encounter when taking tests. This includes taking screenshots or photos of your screen.

These rules ensure the quality and integrity of our testing sessions. We expect everyone to follow these guidelines to maintain a fair and consistent experience for all participants and customers.

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