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Common test errors
Jamie Shuey avatar
Written by Jamie Shuey
Updated over 7 months ago

If you encounter an error or technical issue while taking a test and are unable to complete it, you won't be able to restart it by refreshing the page, going back in your browser, or closing the window and attempting to open the test again. Don't worry, though—any test you are unable to successfully submit will not count against your tester rating.

If the error or issue that you've run into is not listed below, please email us to report it.

I received an unsupported browser error

If you receive an "unsupported browser" message upon opening a test, you won't be able to take the test in that browser. Check out which devices and browsers we support and update or change your browser before taking another test.

I submitted an incomplete or incorrect response

If you accidentally submit an incomplete or incorrect response, you can't go back in the test to fix it. If you're worried it might not make sense to the test creator or that it might impact your tester rating, get in touch with us. We'll review the response and can remove it without impacting your rating if appropriate. We can also pass on any relevant feedback to the test creator.

The test timed out due to inactivity

If you navigate away from the UserCrowd interface or remain inactive on the page for more than a few minutes, the test will time out and you won't be able to complete it.

Each test comes with an estimate for how long it will take, so make sure that you have enough time to complete the test before starting it. You won't be able to take a test again if it times out due to inactivity.

If a test asks you to explore an external website or app outside of the UserCrowd interface, don't do it—the test may time out on you if it's inactive for too long. Report any test that asks you to visit an external website or app.

There was an error with submission

If you have answered all questions on a test and receive an error upon completion that prevents you from submitting the test, let us know. We won't be able to force submit it for you, but we can assess if payment is warranted and we can look into the issue to help prevent it from happening again.

I received an error that said I was taking another test

You can't take more than one test at one time, so if you receive this error, make sure you close out any other open tests in your desktop or mobile browser. If you don't have any other tests open and believe you received this message in error, let us know.

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